Press Page
Common myths about sex and sexual pleasure - The Independent
dispelling the myths about sex and sexual pleasure
6 things you need to know about sex at University - The Independent
6 things you need to know about sex at university
Using lubricant can transform your sex life - The Independent
Sexula lubricant can tranform your sex life
The lesser known erogenous zones and how to find them - The Independent
The lesser know erogenous zones and how to find them
Sex and Disability - Breaking the Taboo - The Independent
sex and disability, why the taboo?
Ten reasons why you might not be having as much sex as you'd like - The Independent
Ten reasons why you aren't having as much sex as you'd like
Enjoying better sex in my late 40's - The Independent
Enjoying sex more as I get older
The Taboo of Male Sex Toys - The Independent
Why are male sex toys considered a taboo?
8 Reasons You're Not Reaching Orgasm - Womens Health Magazine
8 reasons why you're not reaching orgasm - Womens Health Magazine
More Sex Please- We're British- Daily Star
More sex please, we're British - Daily Star
How to talk about sexual problems with your Doctor - Female First
how to talk about sexual problems with your doctor
10 Ways Your Mobile is getting in the way of your Orgasm - So Feminine
10 ways your mobile may be affecting your orgasm
How to Have the Sexiest Christmas ever -NetDoctor
How to have the sexiest christmas ever - NetDoctor
How can Women be Better in Bed - NetDoctor
How can women be better in bed - NetDoctor
International Mens Day and Movember - Xtracurricular
International Mens Day and Movember - Xtracurricular
Is Technology killing your sex life? - Female First
is technology killing your sex life?
Fun Factory Semirealistic Review by Léonie
Léonie reviews the Fun Factory Semirealistic for her blog "Sometimes Funny is All I Have".