Day 2: Into The Shower! - Bathmate Penis Pump Long Term Review

Day 2: Into The Shower! - Bathmate Penis Pump Long Term Review

With the enthusiastic zeal of a new convert, I wanted to use the Bathmate as much as possible, so I decided to try the Bathmate in the shower.

Having showered and warmed up my scrotum, I filled up the Bathmate… and the water promptly fell out. I’d forgotten to close the valve! Having sorted that out, I filled it with warm water and attempted to pump.

It has to be said that pumping in the shower is a lot more difficult as the product isn’t surrounded by water, so air tends to creep in. You also have to get the knack of opening the valve on the end and doing your first pump immediately, otherwise the water will all leak out. The vacuum created from pumping is what stops this from occurring.

Air became trapped at the top and was a little difficult to expel. I think practice will overcome this issue, as by emptying and refilling I managed to fill it up more successfully.

There is a shower strap which I thought was rather amusing at first and didn’t ask for, but this simple addition supports the Bathmate so you don’t have to hold onto it in the shower – it would certainly make for a more relaxing experience. Otherwise, the experience was much the same as in the bath, showing an identical size on exit.

Written By : Staff